inHarmony Vibroacoustic & Sound Therapy: Recommended 2X-3X a Week (25M-45M)
- Helping the body self-regulate to a calming state by activating parasympathetic nervous system
- Lowered blood pressure.
- A reduction in pain and muscle tension.
- Increased relaxation and happiness.
- Increased blood circulation.
- Slower heart rate and reduction of stress.
- Better sleep quality.
At Take a Moment, Touchless Therapy, we pride ourselves in providing you with the latest self-service equipment. We have partnered with one of the leading manufacturers inHarmony® to provide vibroacoustic therapy and relaxation services.
- What can be treated with VAT?
- Neck, Shoulder and Back pains & Backache
- Stomach pains/colic
- Symptoms of autoimmune diseases like MS
- Constipation, Irregular Bowel Syndrome
- Arthritis
- Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s
- Stroke
- Impaired blood circulation
- Insomnia
- Sport injuries
- Stress
- Menstrual pains – Pre-menstrual tension (PMT)
- Headache, Migraine
- Fibromyalgia/Fibrositis
- Kidney stones
- Post-operative conditions including knee and hip replacements
- Our bodies are in constant motion. Vibrating at unique frequencies. Vibroacoustic is a gentle but yet powerful treatment method that utilizes low frequency sound vibrations. Ranging from 30hz to 120hz. It directly interacts with our nervous system, bones, organs and muscle tissue. Enhances communication between our brains and the rest of our body, helping to activate our parasympathetic nervous system promoting deep relaxation and healing. Our bodies consist mostly of water. Exposure to sound vibrations sets this water into motion. As the water moves its molecules react and communicate. Restoring harmony and a healthy resonance in the body.
- The inHarmony collection combines cutting-edge technology and immersive sensory experiences to facilitate deep relaxation. By integrating vibro-tactile stimulation with vibro-acoustic technology, it creates a harmonious blend of gentle vibrations and therapeutic sound frequencies. This approach offers users a multifaceted journey of relaxation, inviting them to immerse themselves in an environment designed to promote well-being and rejuvenation.
- Vibroacoustic therapy is an established vibrational frequency-based alternative health practice that has proven effective over 40 years. It has supported pain management to individuals suffering from acute and chronic pain due to injury or neurological issues as well as reducing stress and anxiety and alleviating fatigue. It has been beneficial in supporting clients with dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, COPD, and recuperation from stroke. This therapy was developed in Norway by Olav Skille in the 1980s.The Food and Drug Administration has approved vibroacoustic therapy for increasing circulation, pain relief, and increasing mobility.
- Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is a non-pharmacological, transformative approach to pain management and anxiety reduction that can significantly enhance one’s overall quality of life. Whether dealing with workplace stress or a prolonged ailment, VAT offers a powerful solution to refresh the body and mind.
- The vibroacoustic therapy process utilizes sound waves in a therapeutic capacity, generating vibrations transmitted directly to the individual’s body. As you recline on a specially designed mattress, transducers emit sound waves, effectively resonating through you in a healing and nurturing capacity. This state-of-the-art technology provides a transformative ‘internal massage,’ delivering rejuvenation and revitalization to your body.
- Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) establishes a direct means of communication with the nervous system, bone, muscle tissue, and body fluids. This is accomplished by converting various sound and/or musical frequencies to vibrations introduced directly to the human body. The body’s components, including organs, cells, and systems, receive this stimulation. As the sound waves travel through the body, they elicit all its molecules’ responses. This process creates a communication exchange that restores harmony and a state of healthy resonance.
- The body responds to specific frequencies when receiving vibrational waves, which affects it in a specific way. The selection of the precise frequencies required to achieve a particular outcome is the foundation of vibroacoustic therapy, which a trained therapist conducts. Through this approach, sound frequencies are delivered directly through the body, stimulating an entirely different system in the body, including the spinal cord, areas of the brainstem, and the brain, leading to the possibility of direct cellular stimulation.